[G] Fuck the freedesktop project

There is a group of cock-snuggies that doesn't get nearly as much negative attention as they should. This group of sub-humans with double-digitted IQs is single-handedly responsible for the shittification of the modern Unix-like desktop. I, of course, am talking about the freedesktop project. The goal of the freedesktop projects is to standardise things for the X11 windowing system (an unholy mess that deserves its own article), despite the how they will pinky-swear to you that they are "not a formal standards organisation". This sounds stupid, and it is fucking stupid, but if you are doing things the stupid way, do them right. The Unix, suckless and minimalism philosophies are key for doing this right. Instead, these mouth-breathing ball-scratchers developed unnecessary, bloated and useless technologies and standardized them. SystemD (which, by the way, is a part of the freedesktop project (despite only running on Linux)) may be the worst program ever written, but I'd argue that it's not the most impactful tumor in the world of Free Software©.


D-Bus is an unenlightening piece of camel shit which allows two programs to communicate "through a bus". First of all--I've always been puzzled by the concept of busses. Why in the fuck would I need something like that? Anyways, D-Bus takes this unnecessary concept and makes not only more unnecessary but also more unwanted. Here are some packages that are included in the D-Bus package:

Why the fuck are all of these things necessary to provide a fucking bus functionality? I've said in the first paragraph that SystemD, despite being arguably the worst program ever written, "is not the most impactful tumor in the world of Free Software©". Well, I dare to say that D-Bus is. D-Bus has crawled into fucking everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It's kind of scary just how standard it's become for software to use D-Bus. Let me give you an example. My desktop computer setup is super simple. It features Gentoo, the i3 window manager, st, a bunch of terminal apps and Zathura (a document viewer). I used to have Firefox, but partly beacause of my hatred towards D-Bus and partly because I wanted to be more practical I removed Firefox. I still have D-Bus on my computer. Can you guess why? Zathura. My dead-fucking-simple document viewer. Zathura is created using GTK+, and GTK+ depends on D-Bus. WHY THE FUCK WOULD A GUI LIBRARY DEPEND ON DBUS?

I was surprised by the amount of noise that's been made when SystemD was gaining popularity. People started creating websites dedicated to hosting lists of operating systems without SystemD, other people made videos, and some people forked existing operating systems, removed SystemD from them and thus created new, SystemD-free operating systems. Nothing remotely close was ever done for D-Bus, and D-Bus is far more dangerous than SystemD (like I said earlier--D-Bus has already crawled into pretty much everything). Now, it is far too late.